National German Modena Club

Becoming a Member

2014 Louisville Young Bird Show
2014 Great Western
Show Reports
Pic's Page
Our Purpose
Becoming a Member
Contact Us
Calendar of Events
Members Page
German Modena Standard

Welcome to the members page. It has been decided that this club will be an online club only! We will NOT be mailing out bulletins, but we will have a bulletin page on this site that will be updated quarterly. What we do ask is that if you would like to be a part of this club that you take the time to send in your name(or loft name), city and state which you live. You can also submit any contact info you would like to have posted on the members page, such as a phone number, e-mail address or web site address. Please also tell us how long you have been breeding German Modena’s and which colors you are breeding them in.  This info will be listed on the member’s page.

For the bulletin page, please also send in show reports, loft reports, loft visits, pictures of some of your favorite birds etc... Of course any articles or additional info that can be used in the bulletin page would be very much appreciated.

Also be sure to join the German Modena yahoo chat site at;

E-mail the NGMC

Deutschen Modeneser